L.A. County's Clean Beach Poster Contest has added a nice artistic touch to the trash barrels, which in past have carried commercial messages for products such as sunscreen.  A two-man team from carwraps.com worked for months applying the wraps to more than 2,000 barrels along L.A. County beaches.
"don't litter — make it glitter" by Noa Atia | Grade 4 | Third District.
"Ocean Beach Plan — Jam the Can" by Declan McAdams | Grade 3 | Second District.
"Help The Beach!" by Ada Bahan | Grade 3 | Third District.
"Don't Litter" by Anderson Wei | Grade 5 | Fourth District.
"Good/Bad" by Leila Thiem | Grade 3 | Second District.
"Be Part of the Solution Not the Pollution" by Sofia Palfi | Grade 5 | Fourth District.
"Go green and Keep the ocean Clean" by Blake Stephenson | Grade 4 | Fourth District.
"KEEP US TRASH FREE" by Allison Park | Grade 5 | Fourth District.
"Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!!!" by Marlena Van Zandt | Grade 5 | Third District.
"Plastifornia: Pick up trash you see even if it's not yours!" by Jacob Masi | Grade 4 | Second District.

