• Adapted from Application for Federal Employment and various Who's Whos
NAME:  Irma E. Webber

PROFESSION: Botanist, Author, Illustrator

DATE OF BIRTH:  Aug. 16, 1904

San Diego High School and Berkeley High School
A.B. in Botany, 1926 (Aug. 1922-May 1926) [Kraft Prize for Freshman Scholarship, 1922; Levi Straus Scholarship 1923, Joseph Bonnheim Scholarship, 1924-26]
M.A. in Botany, 1927 (Aug. 1926-Dec. 1927)
Ph.D. in Botany, 1929 (Dec. 1927-May 1929)

DATE OF MARRIAGE:  May 13, 1927

Teaching Fellow, University of California Department of Botany, Berkeley, Calif., Aug. 1926-May 1927. [Dr. R.M. Holman; general botany and microtechnique].

Research Assistant in Paleobotany, University of California Department of Botany, Berkeley, Calif., May 1927-May 1928 and Aug. 1928-May 1929. [Dr. R.W. Chaney...employed by Carnegie Institution of Washington].

Research in Plant Anatomy, Office of Blister Rust Control, U.S.D.A., Berkeley, Calif., May 1929-July 1931.

Housewife and Research in Botany in Riverside, Calif., July 1931-Sept. 1932.

Research Assistant in Plant Pathology, Citrus Expt. Station, Riverside, Calif., Sept. 1932-July 1933 [Dr. H.S. Fawcett]

Housewife and Research in Botany in Riverside, Calif., July 1933-May 1934.

Collaborator, U.S. Department of Agriculture Bureau of Plant Industry, div. of western irrigation, 1934, and division of cotton and other fiber crops and diseases, 1936-50.

In 1937 the Webbers were living at 4476 Eleventh St., in Riverside, Calif.
in 1944 the Webbers were living at 3644 Beechwood in Riverside, Calif.
500 Arlington Ave. in Berkeley, Calif.


1.  Summary of Fh.D. thesis. Pleistocene Woods from the Coast of California. Programme of the final public examination for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of Irma Eleanor Schmidt Webber. 1929.

2.  Wood in the Carpinteria Deposits. Pages 66-69 of "A Pleistocene Flora from the Asphalt Deposits at Carpinteria, California." Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication 415. 1933.

3.  Woods from the Ricardo Pliocene of Last Chance Gulch, California. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication 412, pages113-134 and plates 1-5. 1933.

4.  Bearing of Upright Ray Cells in the Wood of Hibiscus mutabilis L. on Usage of the Term Tile Cell. Tropical Woods 37: 9-13 and plate 1. 1934.

5.  The Wood of Hibiscus tiliaceus L. Tropical Woods 37:14-18 and plate 2. 1934.

6.  Systematic Anatomy of the Woods of the Malvaceae. Tropical Woods 38: 15-36 and plates 1-5. 1934.

7.  (With H.S. Fawcett)  Comparative Histology of Healthy and Psorosis-affected Tissues of Citrus sineneis. Hilgardia 9:2:71-93, & plates 1-7. 1935.

8.  Histological Characteristics of Plants Grown in Toxic Concentrations of Boron. Jour. Agric. Res. 50:189-194, illus. 1935.

9.  The Woods of the Sclerophyllous and Desert Shrubs of California. Amer. Jour. Bot. 23:3:181-188. illus. 1936.

10.  Systematic Anatomy of the Woods of the Simarubaceae. Amer. Jour. Bot. 23:9:577-587, illus. 1936.

11.  Anatomy of the Leaf and Stem of Gossypium. Jour. Agric. Res. 57:4:269-286. illus. 1938.

12.  Intercelllular Cavities in the Rays of Dicotyledonous Woods. Lilloa 2:2a:465-469 and plates 1-2. 1938.

13.  (With Thomas H. Kearney)  Morphology of Two American Wild Species of Cotton and of their Hybrid. Journ. Agric. Res. 58:6:445-459, illus. 1939.

14.  Systematic Anatomy of the Woods of the Burseraceae. Lilloa 6:441-465 and plates 1-4. 1941.

15.  UP ABOVE AND DOWN BELOW. Wm. R. Scott, Inc. 1943.* 

16.  TRAVELERS ALL. Wm. R. Scott, Inc. 1944.

17.  The Wood of Ambelania laxa Muell. Arg. Lilloa 11:49-53 and plates 1-2. 1945.

18.  ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. Wm. R. Scott, Inc. 1947.

19.  Farmer Will's Problem. Jack and Jill 9:11:20-22. 1947.**

20.  R.S.V.P. The Horn Book Magazine 23:5:340-344. 1947.

21.  BITS THAT GROW BIG. Wm. R. Scott, Inc. 1949.

22.  IT LOOKS LIKE THIS. Wm. R. Scott, Inc. 1949.

23.  (With John M. Webber and Falba L. Johnson)  Phormium.  pages 182-238 illus of "The Cordage Fibers." Technical Report No. 2. Office of Naval Research  Cotract NA ONR 76-49. Restricted. Mar. 1951.

24.  THANKS TO TREES. Wm. R. Scott, Inc. 1952.

25.  Some Campus Contacts. Journal of the Calif. Horticultural Soc. vol XVII, No. 3, Pages 116-117. July 1956.

*Persian edition printed in Iran 1958.
**Reprinted in: Read Awhile 6, Reading Improvement Series by Mildred Neal Baltz. Copyright 1949 by The Economy Company, Oklahoma City, Atlanta, Indianapolis.
