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March 18, 2018 - Mrs. Herk, New Zealand's only native fibre milliner, shows off several of her hats (pōtae) with a visitor at the Toi Box in Hokianga.  Based in Taupo Bay, Lah Herk uses Tahitian weaving to craft her amazing headgear from native materials, emphasizing sustainability (1, 2).
The gesture hat.
America's Cup hat complete with yachts.
The hats are pricey, but it takes a lot of time to make them.  The label is attached with a band made of houhere (lacebark or ribbonwood) (+).
Bark from tānekaha or celery pine (Phyllocladus trichomanoides) produces a sustainable organic dye.  Maori and settlers used wood from the tree, which is strong and flexible.  It grows on much of the North Island and the northern part of the South Island (1, 2, 3, 4).